Ayurveda, bronchitis ic

The Raj program for bronchitis is conducted under the supervision of an Ayurveda Health Consultant and draws on knowledge from Maharishi Ayurveda, the world's oldest and most complete system of natural health care.

Through its unique assessment of causal imbalances at the basis of a condition and its wide range of time-tested recommendations, Maharishi Ayurveda provides the most comprehensive natural approach for bronchitis available today.

Ayurveda Assessment of Balance and Imbalance in Bronchitis

A quick review of the bronchitis condition shows how many imbalances could contribute to the condition. Therefore a true healing of bronchitis will usually require a multi factor natural approach as is offered at The Raj.

Bronchitis usually starts with some upper respiratory infection or exposure to an irritating substance. Poor diet, digestion and elimination can create an internal environment in the bronchial area that allows infection to more easily occur. Stress, poor lifestyle, bad circulation and lack of rejuvenative regimens can deteriorate the body's immune response to invading organisms in the bronchial area. We quickly see how many variables can predispose individuals to upper respiratory infection and the complications of bronchitis that occur when the infection becomes chronic.

The Ayurveda assessment of balance and imbalance does not simply identify the gross physical abnormality and match up drugs to a symptom. This is because people can have the same disease for different reasons. For example, ten people could walk into a doctor's office with a headache and have it for ten different reasons. Likewise not everyone has bronchitis for the same reasons.

Ayurveda evaluation determines the imbalances in the functioning modes of the body. These underlying imbalances are the root causes of a condition and must be removed if real healing is to occur. By determining the causal imbalances at the basis of a disorder, Ayurveda evaluation helps our Ayurveda Health Consultants address the fundamental source of ill health in the individual.

Since bronchitis can be influenced by many factors, such as diet, digestion, toxin accumulation, stress, exercise levels and daily routine, the Ayurveda approach to the condition is a comprehensive one that balances many physiological functions simultaneously.

The Root Causes of Bronchitis

Following are the general types of imbalances at the source of most chronic conditions, including bronchitis.

  1. Toxins accumulating in tissues and blocking circulation.
  2. Poor nutrition.
  3. Poor digestion.
  4. Imbalance of the nervous system.
  5. Accumulation of physical and mental stress.
  6. Lowering of natural resistance and immunity.
  7. Disruption of natural biological rhythms.

The common modern medical approach to match drugs to symptoms does not completely address many of these factors. As a result, modern medicine often cannot fully remove the disorder and the condition becomes chronic. Chronic means that the condition persists over time even with the best modern medical treatment. Currently over 100 million Americans suffer from a chronic condition, indicating that some new approach is needed in our health care.

A Natural Treatment Program for Bronchitis

Following is a discussion of how The Raj program for chronic conditions provides the most comprehensive set of natural recommendations available today to address the true causes of bronchitis. These therapies are not only effective at removing the imbalances at the basis of chronic disorders but also have no significant side-effects. The goal of this Ayurveda approach is to enliven the body's natural healing and self-repair ability not only to help cure bronchitis, but also to prevent disorders and create the highest state of health and well-being.

1) Removing the Buildup of toxins and impurities:

Most chronic disorders start when toxins accumulate in tissues and begin to disrupt the delicate biochemistry there. Toxin buildup can also obstruct the channels of circulation and elimination. This blockage prevents proper nutrition from reaching the tissues and blocks the processes that cleanse them of impurities. This process is a major contributing factor in bronchitis as when it occurs in the bronchial tubes it highly predisposes them to infection and irritation.

Your Ayurveda Health Consultants will provide natural recommendations to remove and help prevent toxin accumulation from:

  1. Foods poorly digested
  2. Poor digestion
  3. Poor elimination
  4. Improper metabolism
  5. Mental and physical stress

Maharishi RejuvenationSM Therapy Treatments

The most powerful treatments for removing toxins and opening circulation are the Maharishi Rejuvenation therapy treatments you receive each day of your in-residence stay. This daily three-hour treatment program of massage, heat treatment and mild herbal enema is the cornerstone of your in-residence stay at The Raj. The combination of these three treatments received every day for 5 to 21 days creates the ideal internal physical environment for healing.

Maharishi Rejuvenation therapy treatments address the problem of toxin accumulation through systematically:

  1. Loosening impurities that have become embedded in tissues and helping liquefy them for easy absorption into the circulation and eventual elimination.
  2. Softening and opening the channels of circulation and elimination so proper nourishment can reach the tissues and impurities can be more easily eliminated from them.
  3. Activating the elimination process for the most thorough cleansing of the entire physiology.

Herbalized Oil Massage

Herbalized oil massage is used both at home and in our in-residence treatments to aid the cleansing process.

Your Ayurveda Health Consultant will choose a specific herbalized oil that is individually prepared for your condition. You will also be instructed in the technique of Ayurveda massage, which involves using specific strokes over different parts of the body.

Herbalized oil massage provides a deeply soothing and balancing effect for the entire physiology. The motion of massage creates heat and friction which enhance circulation and help cleanse affected tissues of chemical impurities that could be causing symptoms of bronchitis. The oil and herbs cleanse and nourish the tissues to aid their repair and development.

The various herbs that have been boiled into a base oil, and the oil itself, are specifically chosen for their effect on removing the imbalances at the basis of your condition. The oil helps the balancing process by allowing the herbs to more deeply penetrate the affected tissues.

Your program involves two types of Ayurveda herbalized massage:

  1. The home program involves herbalized self-massage for 5-10 minutes in the morning before you take your shower.
  2. During the in-residence portion of your program, highly trained Ayurveda technicians daily perform very specialized massage for you, using oils in which as many as 50 herbs have been cured. These special oils are only available as part of the in-residence program.

2) Proper Nutrition

Your Ayurveda Health Consultant will provide you with detailed understanding of which foods to favor and avoid for your condition. Avoid foods that are hard-to-digest, excessively activate acid secretion, are clogging to the physiology and aggravating to the functioning modes that are already imbalanced in you. Favor foods that are easy-to-digest, do not stimulate acid secretion, are nourishing to gastric tissues, cleanse the physiology, strengthen digestion and balance your body's inner intelligence.

See also:
  • Automated Trading
  • Orthopaedic Doctor
Source: theraj.com
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