Ayurveda Body Type

Ayurveda Las Vegas

Ayurveda Las Vegas

June 20, 2024
I m a California girl, born and raised. I never travelled much…
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Ayurveda body type diet

Ayurveda body type diet

February 24, 2024
An Ayurvedic Prescription for Reaching Your Ideal Weight If you are one of the millions of people who has a made a New Year’s resolution to lose…

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Ayurveda Dosha types

Ayurveda Dosha types

December 26, 2023
Three people get stressed at work, one has a nervous breakdown, one has a heart attack and the other develops diabetes. Why do three different…

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Vasant Lad Ayurvedic

Vasant Lad Ayurvedic

December 6, 2023
Faculty Vasant Lad, M.A.Sc. Ayurvedic Physician and Executive Director Vasant Lad brings a wealth of classroom and practical experience to the…

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Ayurveda body type test

Ayurveda body type test

November 16, 2023
Remember that according to Ayurveda, our bodies are a mixture of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. However, you’ll find that you scored more highly on one…

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Ayurveda types test

Ayurveda types test

September 17, 2023
Take our Maharishi Ayurveda dosha test to get a rough idea of your personal dosha composition. Here s how: Answer all questions in the three…

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Prakruti Ayurveda

Prakruti Ayurveda

June 29, 2023
According to Ayurveda, your basic constitution is determined at the time of conception. This constitution is called Prakruti. The term Prakruti…

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Ayurveda body type Vata

Ayurveda body type Vata

April 10, 2023
You may be experiencing some of the following signs or symptoms: nervousness, anxiety, panic, fear twitches, tics, tremors, spasms dry or chapped…

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Ayurveda, Vata, Pitta

Ayurveda, Vata, Pitta

January 19, 2023
Nearly everywhere we look in nature, there are creatures engaging in some sort of consistent daily routine. The natural world at large is deeply…

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Ayurveda types Pitta

Ayurveda types Pitta

August 12, 2022
Have you ever wondered what actually accounts for differences in people? Why are some people hyperactive and fast moving, while others exude…

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Dr. Ayurveda body growth

Dr. Ayurveda body growth

July 23, 2022
In his video Ayurveda for Detox,Dr. Douillard focuses on using ayurvedic traditions to remove toxins from the body in order to feel healthier…

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Ayurveda Products India

Ayurveda Products India

July 3, 2022
Place your trust in top-class quality, the natural purity of which is documented by strict controls and recognised quality seals. All products…

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