What is the role of Adenoids

My baby Prisha, 3+, is having a problem of enlarged adenoids. This leads to heavy gel form discharge from her nose, which in case leads to snoring, sleep with open mouth and sometmes fever, that too shoots 103-104 degree F.
Allopathy suggest operating it. homeopathy one month treatment does help her sleep properly and lesser of this prolem but this has not been cured completely.
someone suggested me to go for ayurveda.

please help me with this as i am really worried for her. also, please tell me how can i increase her hunger as she is a very fussy eater.
(presently she weighs 13.5kgs).

Dear Anjali

This is very common problem in infants and babies. By taking few precautions you will be able to control the problem to an extent.
Give her ginger juice mix with equal honey four times a day. try to give her around 5 ml. Stop any type of food from outside particularly aerated drinks. Give her home cooked food and more vegetables and soups. Avoid any thing cold particularly after sun set.
She should not be constipated. Increase liquid in take of hers.
Get talispatradi churnam mix with honey, Give her around 1/2 spoon of it and 1/2 spoon of honey. You can mix ginger also with this. But dont stop before atleast 4- 5 months. Start arvindasav 5 ml after food mix with water twice a day.

Health and Peace

Dr Meenakshi Joshi



Dr Meenakshi Joshi is an expert in Ayurveda, Herbal medicine, Panchkarma, Ksharsutra and life style management.All sorts of queries regarding physical health, mental health, herbs, natural medicine, detoxification, pregnancy care, child care, geriatric, infertility and related issues are welcome.


Dr Meenakshi Joshi is in the field of natural healing and Ayurveda since 18 years.

Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon Vedic Healers, New Delhi and Gurgaon Shiajyo Inarsin Budhist Trust AMDA (Association of Medical Doctors of Asia)

Hindustan Times. Dainik Jagran, CCIM magazine, India Today (women)

A Bachelor in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS). PG PPHC in preventive health care from Apollo hospitals, PG CPK from Kasturba Medical College Manipal in panchkarma and ksharsutra. Aromatherapy course from FFDC Fragrance and Flavor Development council Kannauj and RTC ministry of SSI.

Source: en.allexperts.com
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