Ayurvedic Diet for Psoriasis

Like in every other area of health, Maharishi Ayurveda recommends a holistic approach to weight management. In Maharishi Ayurveda, the emphasis is on determining the cause of the individual's health need, and based on that analysis, offering an individualized treatment that includes diet, daily routine and herbal formulas. It is a very safe, holistic approach that is very different from prescribing the same isolated ingredient to everyone to fix a certain problem.

There are three major causes of weight imbalance, and these can be thought of in terms of the three main doshas: Kapha, Pitta and Vata. In this article, we examine Kapha-related weight imbalance and ways to manage it through diet, lifestyle and herbal formulas.

Kapha dosha is comprised of the earth and water elements, so this type of individual will reflect those qualities. A Kapha person will be structurally bigger, with bigger bones and a more easy-going, stable, gentle personality.

For a Kapha person, being skinny is usually not a healthy goal. If you are prone to gain weight, and are always five to ten pounds overweight no matter how little you eat, it would go against your nature to ever be really thin. Rather, it would be better to balance your metabolism, increase your ability to digest sugars and carbohydrates by adopting a Kapha-balancing diet and lifestyle, and allow your body to naturally find its ideal weight. You may not be skinny, you may always weigh five to ten pounds more than average, but you will feel better and look healthier, and you will lose most of your excess weight.

Balancing Kapha Dosha through diet

The main principle for balancing Kapha is to introduce some of the fire element into your food and lifestyle. This will balance the earthen and watery elements of Kapha dosha.

Source: www.mapi.com
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