Ayurveda is a 4,-year-old

Ayurveda And Health: It's All About BalanceBy

I have long been a supporter of holistic alternative/traditional medicine systems.

One of these traditional systems of medicine, which originated in India, is called Ayurveda. This system has had its roots in the Vedic culture of India for thousands of years; it focuses on the whole person and their relationship to their environment. It reminds us that true health is the balance between our physical and emotional self.

Ayurveda is so powerful that it became very well known in the ancient world, and even influenced traditional Chinese medicine and Tibetan medicine.

Integrating the Elements

When Ayurveda is described in definitive terms, it reveals Ayur (as life), and Veda (as knowledge). If we breakdown Veda in more conventional terms, it relates to the “seeing or knowing” as it pertains to life.

Ayurveda conveys to us that health is a balance of four aspects of a given individual. These four aspects consist of our environment, our body, our mind, and spirit. In order to obtain true health, all four elements must be integrated and balanced.

A dosha is one of three bio-energies that are responsible for physical and emotional characteristics in an individual’s mind and body. The core concept of Ayurveda suggests that true health exists when there is balance between the three fundamental doshas.

These doshas are Vata (wind), Pitta (fire), and Kapha (earth).

Understanding Doshas Elements: The Basics

For each dosha element, there can be a balanced or unbalanced expression. Some of these expressions are summarized below:

Vata- Has major influence over the other doshas. When balanced the person is energetic, creative and open-minded. When Vata is unbalanced the person is prone to worry, anxiety, and restlessness, or insomnia. The person may also experience circulation issues, and digestive disturbances.

Pitta- When balanced, a person is a strong leader, a good communicator, and an active decision maker. When Pitta is unbalanced, the person can be irritable and impatient. Chronic inflammatory conditions can also be experienced, which includes skin rashes.

Kapha- When balanced a person is caring, and thoughtful. When not in balance, the person can experience a strong resistance to change. These resistances often manifest in staying in situations that no longer nourish or fulfill the person.

The Primary Goal of Ayurveda

The important goal of Ayurveda is to determine a person’s state of balance, and also determine where an out of balance expression may exist.

Some of the healing resources that can be used to promote balance and health are meditation, good nutrition, aromatherapy, and body manipulation such as massage.

It’s important to determine your balances and unbalances by taking a few different to determine your dosha type. A balanced mind and body increases your ability to achieve the true nature of health.

I invite you to continue your studies of Ayurveda, and gain the knowledge of your personal self. Join me on the journey of achieving true health, through the ability to balance all aspects of our mind and body!

See also:
  • сайт о строительстве https://criminalrussia.ru/
Source: blog.sivanaspirit.com
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