PCOS and Weight Loss With

PCOS treatment MelbournePCOS can be cured by ayurvedic treatments.

PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome is not a single disease but is a group of disorders characterised by one or more of the following:

  • Irregular periods
  • Oligomenorrhea
  • Amenorrhoea
  • PMS and dysmenorrhoea
  • pelvic pain (usually unilateral)
  • obesity
  • acne
  • thinning of hair
  • excess facial or body hair growth
  • insulin resistance
  • skin colour changes
  • virility
  • depression
  • infertility
  • PCOS is the most common endocrine defect in pre-menopausal women.

    PCOS Aetiology

    The aetiology of polycystic ovarian syndrome is unknown. However there is increasing evidence of a genetic disposition. This is related to an inherited defect in insulin secretion and its action. Insulin resistance makes cells tired. This creates an increase in appetite and craving. Starvation of ovarian cells forces them to become swollen and they form small cysts. An elevated LH to FSH ratio leads to failure of normal ovarian follicle development and anovulation.

    Ayurvedic medicine for polycystic ovarian syndrome

    PCOS is usually included under gulma classification which has symptoms of bloating, constipation, reduced metabolism, abdominal distension and pain, low back pain, dysmennorhoea, delayed periods or absence of periods and sub fertility.

    Causes of polycystic ovarian syndrome as per classical ayurvedic texts are unhealthy diet and lifestyle, hereditary factors, menstrual irregularities and idiopathic. PCOS is not directly mentioned as a single disease in classical ayurvedic texts but are classified as symptoms of menstrual disorders.

    Variations of polycystic ovarian syndrome

    Cyst in uterus or ovary and menstrual blood with clots

    Increased Kapha dosha due to low metabolism obstructs the apanavayu movements (downward flow of menstrual blood, urine and faeces). Excess of kapha dosha produces fluid filled sacs and heaviness to the body. Vitiated vata reduce menstruation or causes dysmenorrhoea.

    Oligomennorgoea with Dysmennorhoea

    Oligomennorgoea with Dysmennorhoea happens due to vitiated pitha and vata. Here Menstruation is delayed or is scanty with pain and sometimes happens with burning sensation.

    Primary or Secondary amennorhoea

    The vitiated doshas or humors obstruct the apanavayu and menstrual blood channels causing primary or secondary amennorhoea. All three vitiated doshas are involved here.

    PCOS treatment in Ayurveda

    An important point in the PCOS Ayurvedic treatment is identifying person’s body nature and their digestive and metabolic power. Treatment principles and medicine selection can vary for an obese woman and a lean woman with polycystic ovarian syndrome.

    Obese woman with insulin resistance and excess body hair

    Ayurvedic PCOS treatment starts with a preparatory phase where patient’s bodily systems are prepared to accept treatment. Treatment then progresses into a full fledged cleanse and then concludes with ayurvedic medication.

    Phases of treatment can be detailed as follows:

    Phase I: Preparatory Phase or pre-treatment phase

    Selection of Ayurvedic medicines and diet must have

  • Digestive, carminative and mild laxative qualities
  • Must have properties to reduce body weight and serum cholesterol
  • Correcting blood glucose level, thereby reducing craving and tiredness and excessive hair growth
  • Phase II: Detox procedures (Panchakarma)

  • Internal oliation, sweating, therapeutic purgation and Vasthis.
  • Here vasthi should be kapha, vatha reducing, pitha pacifying and weight reducing. This vasthi alone will give very quick results.
  • Phase III: Internal medicine

  • Internal medicine to balance ratio and correct menstruation
  • Phase IV: Internal medicine – for long term sustained benefits

  • Rasayana and fertility medicines (Rasayana medicine is a group of herbal remedies with antioxidant properties used in ayurveda to promote health, provide defence against disease, and promote longevity.
  • PCOS treatment for lean women

    As per the ayurvedic dosha view for pcos treatment of lean women, vata dosha increases generally but kapha dosha increases only locally and around the pelvic area.

    Phase I: Pre Treatment or preparatory phase

  • Correcting agni and apanavayu and blood glucose level by digestive and carminative medicines.
  • Selection of ayurvedic medicines should be:
  • Vata pacifying nature
  • Digestive in nature
  • Mildly laxative in nature
  • Nourishing
  • Hormone balancing
  • Phase II: Ayurvedic detox (Pancha karma)

  • Internal oleation with medicated ghee (they have vata pacifying and hormones balancing qualities)
  • Swetting and therapeutic purgation to remove toxins and ama that block apanavayu
  • Vasthi with vatha samana and nourishing medicines.
  • Utharavathi to shrink or burst ovarian cysts.
  • Source: www.ayurwoman.com.au
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