Increased Skin Sensitivity

The Raj program for fibromyalgia is conducted under the supervision of an Ayurveda Health Consultant and draws on knowledge from Maharishi Ayurveda, the world's oldest and most complete system of natural health.

Through its unique assessment of causal imbalances at the basis of the condition, and its wide range of time-tested recommendations, Maharishi Ayurveda provides the most comprehensive approach to fibromyalgia available in natural health care today.

Understanding the Root Causes of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition associated with the experience of non-inflammatory pain and tenderness in muscles, ligaments and joints. It is created by a variety of physical, mental and social influences and therefore responds well to the multi-modality approach of Maharishi Ayurveda.

To truly address the causes of fibromyalgia, it is necessary to remove the following types of root imbalances.

a) Nervous system imbalance

According to Ayurveda, the physiological principle at the basis of nervous system stability and activation is called Vata. Fibromyalgia is perceived as a classic Vata imbalance.

Vata is the most easily disturbed physiological principle in the body. Maharishi Ayurveda provides a wide variety of time-tested dietary, herbal and lifestyle recommendations to help balance Vata and remove the symptoms caused by its aggravation.

b) Buildup of toxins and impurities

Many disorders can occur when toxins build up in tissues. One of the first influences toxin accumulation has is on the nerve tissue. If toxins continually aggravate the nerve tissue the result can be symptoms of tenderness, pain and hypersensitivity to stimulation.

Toxins can also block the channels of circulation to affected areas, thus diminishing the natural cleansing processes of the body and allowing more impurities to accumulate in the tissues.

The Maharishi RejuvenationSM therapy treatments, received During the in-residence portion of your program, address the need to cleanse the body and open the channels of circulation by providing the most thorough internal cleansing programs available in Ayurveda medicine.

c) Accumulation of stress
Various stressors like infection, allergy and mental stress are well known to trigger fibromyalgia symptoms. Enhancing the body's ability to recover from stress is an integral part of The Raj's approach to health and well-being.

The following programs for stress management are available during your in-residence stay at The Raj:

  1. Instruction in the Transcendental Meditation® program
  2. Ayurveda massage and heat treatments
  3. Instruction in Yoga asana postures and Ayurveda flexibility exercises

A Natural Treatment Approach to Fibromyalgia

The following section describes the Maharishi Ayurveda approaches used at The Raj to remove the root causes of fibromyalgia by reducing Vata imbalance, eliminating toxin buildup and reversing the effects of chronic stress.

a) Cleansing therapies: Maharishi Rejuvenation Therapy

Your daily three-hour treatment program of massage, heat treatment and mild internal cleansing is the cornerstone of your In-residence treatment at The Raj. These three treatments received in combination every day for 5 to 21 days create the ideal internal physical environment for healing.

b) Herbalized Oil Massage

Daily herbalized oil massage provides a deeply soothing and balancing effect to the entire nervous system. The motion of massage creates heat and friction which enhance circulation and help cleanse the areas of chemical impurities that could be aggravating and hypersensitizing nerve tissues.

The various herbs that have been boiled into a base oil, and the oil itself, are specifically chosen for their Vata balancing influence. The oil allows the herbs to deeply penetrate the tissue beds, thereby balancing the nerve tissues in the affected areas. Your Ayurveda Health Consultants will choose a specific herbalized oil that is individually prepared for your condition.

Your program involves two types of Ayurveda herbalized massage:

  1. Your home program involves herbalized self-massage for 5-10 minutes in the morning before you take your shower. You will be instructed in the technique of Ayurveda massage, which involves specific strokes used over joints, ligaments, muscles and different parts of the body.
  2. During the in-residence portion of your program, highly trained Ayurveda technicians daily perform very specialized massage for you, using oils in which as many as 50 herbs have been cured. These special oils are only available as part of the in-residence program. These daily oil massages are a cornerstone of the in-residence cleansing process.

c) Diet, Nutrition and Digestion

Fibromyalgia can be created and aggravated through improper diet. Some foods make Vata highly active, thereby increasing excessive sensitivity to pain and aggravating fibromyalgia symptoms.

Consultations with The Raj Ayurveda Health Consultants, along with daily educational meetings, will help you understand which foods are the most clogging and obstructing to circulation and which are the hardest to digest. These foods have the potential to create toxins (undigested food not only clogs the channels in the body but actually becomes toxic).

Foods that can easily be digested, creating micronutrients that are then assimilated into the tissues to rebuild tissue strength, will be recommended. Your Ayurveda Health Consultants will also provide programs to improve digestion, an important prerequisite for overcoming fibromyalgia.

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