Ayurvedic Back MassageAyurvedic massage is a key part of Ayurvedic therapy. Just as a machine needs to be oiled, the body loves to have its largest organ, the skin, soothed, which is why oils are commonly used in Ayurvedic massage.

Whether the Ayurvedic massage forms part of a more comprehensive Ayurveda programme or is merely undertaken for the sheer pleasure of a deeply relaxing, indulgent body massage; Ayurvedic massage is one of Ancient India’s best-kept secrets.

Over 5, 000 years of empirical research has refined Ayurvedic massage into a sublime art, and yet it is still unheard of by many. However, combining skilled knowledge of the body with knowledge of oils, music, and bodywork techniques has resulted in a profound art for balancing the body and mind through the medium of oil massage.

Oil massage is consistently used throughout Ayurvedic massage treatments. In an ideal world, Ayurvedic massage should be carried out every day to promote positive health, overcome fatigue, strengthen the nervous system, improve eyesight, nourish the bodily tissues, increase longevity, normalise sleep, instil flexibility and sturdiness as well as to maintain good health in general.

An additional benefit of Ayurvedic massage is the potency of the herb-infused oils used. These enhance the process of purification and regeneration. Shown to completely permeate the dermis in 5 minutes and all seven layers of skin in 8-10 minutes, the oils used can be infused with up to 75 different herbs, increasing the therapeutic effect immeasurably. The oils have been scientifically proven to possess anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant properties. The Charaka Samhita, an ancient Ayurvedic treatise states that “Ayurvedic oils strengthen the metabolic fires, purify the intestines, remove toxins from the tissues, rejuvenate the body, prevent ageing and bestow the user with a lifespan of 100 years.”

Travelling through the sea of life our bodies gather barnacles of conditioning through diverse experiences. These ‘barnacles’ are sub-conscious areas of tension that house our history of emotional baggage, such as defences and vulnerabilities. Weighed down with emotional toxicity, our body armours itself against attacks from past ‘ghosts’. A sensitive Ayurvedic massage therapist is able to read an individual’s body map of aches, pains, lumps and bumps, fully aware that every touch evokes certain emotions and gently facilitates the ‘letting-go’ of unresolved wounds.

Ayurveda ConsultationsDuring an Ayurvedic massage a subtle transfer of electromagnetic energy takes place between the therapist and the client so it is important to trust and feel ‘good vibes’ with your chosen therapist. One must feel receptive and safe in order to allow the energy of the therapist to facilitate the healing process. In turn a wave of unconditional love and compassion flows through the therapist as they respect the faith you have placed in them, an honour not taken lightly. Perhaps that’s why the Ayurvedic word for oil is sneha; a term also synonymous with love, kindness and tenderness; all the feelings that should engulf you during an Ayurvedic body massage. If love is the panacea, then an Ayurvedic oil massage is a great way to get a good dose of unconditional love.

Studies of Ayurvedic Massage Benefits

Ayurveda studies conducted by Dr Hari Sharma of the Ohio State University College of Medicine showed that after three months of Ayurvedic massage, patients’ blood showed a significant decrease in the free radical lipid peroxide and an improved immune response. Modern research has proven the beneficial effect Ayurvedic massage has on all areas of the body; specifically the neuromuscular, circulatory, lymphatic, skeletal and gastrointestinal systems.

Most forms of Ayurvedic massage therapy for the body begins with a preliminary oil massage and may then proceed to a more specialised technique…

Ayurvedic Massage: Therapists as Sculptors

The Ayurvedic massage strokes vary from deep to superficial and follow the flow of energy channels, nerve pathways and hair growth. There are three types of movements – active (strong pressure), passive (delicate stroking) and persuasive (pinching or kneading the small muscles with the thumb and forefinger).

Before the Ayurvedic massage, the therapist focuses their energy with a brief balancing meditation and may recite a prayer to magnify the healing potency. Like a hypnotic dance, the therapist synchronises their breathing with the receiver in order to maintain a deep interconnection. Like a sculptor flowing with the body’s mould they create a very relaxing yet enlivening mood. The entire body (except the genital region) is tended to in order to bring about a sense of whole-body integration and alignment.

Ayurvedic Massage: Marmas and Chakras

Ayurvedic body massage is performed with an acute awareness of the marmas and chakras. In Ayurveda, marmas are vital points similar to acupressure points. Manipulated correctly they revitalise the entire body. Though marmas are innumerable, there are 107 major ones located at the junctions where flesh, veins, arteries, tendons, bones and joints meet, as well as being the secondary seats of subtle energy (Prana or Qi). It is at these areas that pain and weaknesses tend to congregate. Marmas are also the points where the elemental life forces of ether, air, fire, water and earth converge and therefore where the body’s organising intelligence is most concentrated.

The seven great marmas in Ayurvedic massage are the same as the main chakras. These seven chakras are whirling vortexes of energy located over the main endocrine glands – the gonads and ovaries, pancreas, adrenals, thymus, thyroid, pituitary and pineal. Each chakra nourishes particular organs and controls various psycho-physiological aspects of our being. When they are blocked, physical disease ensues. Ayurvedic oil massage opens and cleanses these energy channels so the current can flow freely and our latent vitality is released.

Supportive input to the senses is emphasised during Ayurvedic massage therapy as our senses are the gateways to our biological and mental processes. The sense of touch is already being employed but how can the sense of smell, sight and hearing be recruited into the healing process?

Ayurvedic Massage: Lend Me Your Ears

“Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everything” – Plato

Source: ayurveda-retreat.co.uk
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