Ayurvedic Remedies For High

Siddha medicine is equally as important as other alternative medicine to treat lifestyle related disorders. Here, the list of 15 Siddha medicines is given, which may be taken after consultation of Siddha doctor for suppressing accumulation of fats, managing obesity and overcoming weight loss. As per Siddha, among the tri-doshas, Kapha is playing a crucial role in obesity and weight gain.It is the Kapha dosha, which tends to accumulate excess fat in the body. Kapha dosha people are having a desire of eating more as well as in taking of more sweet. Therefore such dosha individual should prefer light meals instead of having the heavy one.

  1. Nirmuli (Hygrophila Auriculata)
  2. Nerunjil (Tribulus Terrestris)
  3. Silasathu Parpam
  4. Guggulu
  5. Brahmi
  6. Sirukanpeelai
  7. Seendi (Tinospora Cardifolia)
  8. Aloevera
  9. Korai
  10. Kukil
  11. Triphala
  12. Trikadukam
  13. Kadukkai

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Ayurveda medicines for safe weight loss

Simple and easy ayurvedic home remedies to defeat obesity are known since a long time. Ayurvedic herbs for weight reduction are effective in burning the same and simultaneously also good in smoothing metabolism. Burning fat in the old age group is difficult. Ayurveda shows its efficacy even in the older stage by igniting the digestive fire. Ayurveda medicine is trying to find the root cause of getting fat cell bigger and also furnishes evidences in curing of obesity. Some of the best Ayurvedic medicines for weight loss are being mention here.

  1. Garcinia Cambogia: Garcinia Cambogia for weight loss is a popular ayurvedic medicine in burning abdominal fat. The ayurvedic herb contains hydroxycitric acid, which is effective to fight fat and good in prevention of visceral fat accumulation.
  2. Ginger: Zingiber officinale is good to inhibit fat accumulation in the body along with lowering the cholesterol level in blood. Taking ginger in the empty stomach is the easy way to lose weight.
  3. Guggul: Guggul is a useful natural ayurvedic remedy for weight loss and obesity management. It is helpful in increasing the level of good cholesterol in the body.
  4. Licorice: Glycyrrhiza Glabra is superb herbal remedy in weight loss due to the presence of flavonoids phyto-chemicals. This ayurvedic medicine is good in lowering the triglyceride level in blood and liver too.
  5. Kotahla Himbutu: Salacia Reticulata is one of the best ayurvedic medicines to control weight and quite effective for diabetic patient.
  6. Cyperus rotundus: The root of this ayurvedic medicine acts like as a fat burner and given as herbal remedy to the patients.
  7. Triphala is the powerful ayurvedic medicine for weight loss. Triphala is the potent combination of ayurvedic herbs: Amalaki, Haritaki and Bibhitaki. All the three herbs are quite capable for weight loss management. Amalaki is known for lean body mass; Haritaki acts like as a toxin cleanser and Bibhitaki prevent accumulation of fat inside the body
Source: www.gyanunlimited.com
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